How CBD reduces stress in athletes

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Sportler*innen mit CBD-Öl gegen Stress

Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon in sports. Both before and after a hard workout or competition, athletes can be under tremendous stress. The physical and mental stress can lead to anxiety, sleep disturbances and impaired performance. Fortunately, there is a natural solution that can help athletes reduce this stress: CBD.[1]

What is CBD and how does it work against stress?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating various functions, including stress levels. CBD can help reduce stress by decreasing the production of stress hormones such as cortisol while promoting the release of endorphins, the so-called “happy hormones.”

Less stress before training

Before a strenuous training session or competition, athletes can often be under enormous pressure. CBD can help reduce this stress and promote a calm and focused mindset. By taking CBD products before training, athletes can achieve better stress management and concentration, which can have a positive impact on their performance.

Relaxation after the workout

Stress can also play a role after training or a competition. Sore muscles, exhaustion and mental tension are common side effects of intense sports activities. CBD can help support recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting body regeneration. In addition, CBD can help athletes to switch off faster and find a restful sleep, which is of great importance for regeneration.

CBD compared to other methods of stress reduction.

Compared to traditional methods of stress reduction, CBD offers several advantages. Unlike prescription drugs or tranquilizers, CBD usually has no negative side effects and is not addictive. In addition, CBD is a natural, herbal product. CBD products are available in various forms, including oils, capsules, and topical applications (e.g., ointments), giving athletes flexibility in their use.


CBD can be an effective support to reduce stress in sports. It can be taken before exercise to improve stress management and concentration, and after exercise to promote recovery and regeneration. Compared to other methods of stress reduction, CBD offers many benefits and usually has no negative side effects. If you are an athlete* looking for a natural and effective way to reduce your stress, CBD might be the right choice.