CBD and its effect on the immune system

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In winter, when temperatures drop below zero and we protect ourselves from the cold with warm blankets, we tend to neglect our defenses and our immune system. At the same time, our protective mechanisms are running at full speed during this cold season, while we are so anxious to keep warm on the outside.

A strong immune system is essential for staying healthy and full of energy through the snowy season. An intact immune defense is therefore essential.

Our immune system plays a crucial role in the defense against foreign substances and microorganisms that want to colonize our body. It prevents potentially harmful processes that could affect our health. The immune system acts against intruders such as foreign substances and defective cells in order to eliminate them from our body and expel damaged tissue. This process contributes significantly to our ability to stay healthy.

It seems as if nature has provided for us and gifted us with a plant that we can use to fight winter from the inside out and support our immune system in the battle against the virus.

Strengthen your immune system with CBD: natural anti-inflammation and health support with cannabidiol

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How does our immune system work?

Our immune system is responsible for ensuring that no foreign substances or microorganisms can colonize the body and thus trigger any negative processes. It thus ensures our health by targeting these foreign bodies, damaged cells and dead tissue and freeing our body from them.

Every time the immune system becomes active, it triggers inflammatory reactions in the body. We often think of inflammation as a bad thing, but that’s not entirely true. In fact, these inflammations show us that the immune system is active and working effectively. A weak immune system, on the other hand, can lead to an excess of inflammatory reactions, which can develop into chronic inflammation. This in turn causes pain and disturbs the balance of our body. A lack of endocannabinoids can disrupt this balance and throw the system out of healthy homeostasis.

And where does CBD come into play now?

CBD can have an anti-inflammatory and regulating effect on the system and the body.

When the immune system is activated, it releases certain proteins. These proteins are responsible for triggering certain inflammatory reactions in the body, which are necessary to combat these foreign organisms, damaged cells, etc.

If CBD is now involved, cannabidiol can modulate or even prevent the release of these proteins. CBD therefore attacks before an inflammatory reaction occurs in the body.

In autoimmune diseases such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, MS and others, the immune system overreacts and fights its own body. CBD can help to dampen or reduce this overreaction without impairing the basic functions of the immune system. In contrast, conventional immunosuppressants prescribed by doctors suppress the entire immune system – which is not ideal, as the immune system is also responsible for fighting off harmful external substances. Cannabinoids merely regulate without completely eliminating the immune defense.

Furthermore, inflammatory reactions in the body produce free radicals, which have been shown to cause diseases such as cancer. One of the positive properties of cannabinoids, especially CBD, is to neutralize these free radicals and remove their harmful properties that can trigger negative processes in the body. CBD therefore acts against both the enzymes that cause inflammation and the processes that can occur after inflammation.

Our conclusion

Anyone wishing for a functioning immune system this year who has sworn off pharmaceutical health suppositories and cough syrups containing codeine could benefit from the golden hemp drops and possibly experience a better functioning immune system.

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