Living with cannabis

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Specialist and non-fiction book, orientation guide, reference work: Book by Markus Berger

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SKU: BLC1500 Categories: ,


This book offers an introduction to the diverse world of cannabis and provides the necessary specialist knowledge to participate in the current discussion that has arisen in many countries around the world about hemp.

Cannabis has returned to society in recent years.
As a medicine and remedy, as a relaxation drug and lifestyle product, hemp is gradually regaining the original status that this universal plant deserves. Propaganda fairy tales about the devil’s drug dissolve. Politicians, doctors and biologists, nutritionists, lawyers and farmers are increasingly concerned with the positive effects that cannabis can have on our habitat and on us humans.
The volume is intended as a guide for people who believe that cannabis can bring them health benefits, but also for recreational users who finally want to find out more about their favorite substance.
The book also offers guidance for doctors, teachers, parents and educators. With numerous explanations of terms relating to cannabis medicine and current hemp trends, explanations of the recreational use of marijuana, hashish and co., strain tips for growers, introductions to cooking with cannabis and much more. The compact overview of cannabis.

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Markus Berger

Year of publication



Nachtschatten publishing house

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